Issue 06

"Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right."


What Henry Ford meant by this is that our beliefs play a much bigger role in the outcome than we might think.

And what better example than learning a new language.

The courage to try

If we believe we can, we're more likely to try. Trying sooner means making mistakes earlier. Making mistakes earlier means we fix them earlier. That's learning in a nutshell.

On the other hand, when we believe we're not ready, we're more likely to chase perfection instead.

We get caught up in perfectionism paralysis. We strive for a state that we can't actually reach without doing the thing, and yet doing the thing is exactly what we're avoiding.

Embrace the chaos

Instead of chasing perfection, consider embracing the chaos.

Sure, maybe you can only introduce yourself as Señor Potato at the start, but why should that stop you?

As the well-known polyglot and author Benny Lewis says in Fluent in 3 Months:

"Learn a few basic words and speak from day one. Use the language even if it’s via the internet. With that, you will get practice, even if you speak like Tarzan."

Similarly, watching your favourite TV show in a new language, even if you understand nothing, helps you get used to the sounds and rhythm of the language.

Trying to read the news exposes you to everyday words and their cousins, even if you don't totally understand them yet.

Trying to order your coffee in Spanish, or asking if the approaching train stops at your stop in German helps you see that nothing bad happens when you try.

Compare this:

I speak like a toddler. I'm ashamed of that. I won’t try to say anything until I can speak like an adult. I'm so embarrassed when people hear me try, especially if I make a mistake.

With this:

I speak like a toddler and I love it! I say anything and everything I can, even if it's mixed with English words for now. Every time I try, I get better and more confident. People aren't judging me. In fact, they think it's cool and courageous that I'm trying to learn their language so openly.

So, are you ready to start speaking the new language you’re learning?

"Believe you can and you're halfway there."
– Theodore Roosevelt

Yes, you are ready.